An Offline Metaphor for Why You NEED Targeted Website Traffic
Jeremy and Jill finally opened up their dream antique shop. In the weeks leading up to the grand opening, they spent thousands on marketing material in an attempt to bring in as many people as possible.
On the day of the grand opening, almost 5,000 people came and browsed through the shop. Jeremy and Jill were so excited to see all the visitors and couldn’t wait to count up their earnings at the end of the day.
Upon closing, they popped open the cash register and began to count. Their cash totals did not add up in relation to the number of people who came to the shop. Turns out, while the volume of visitors was high, purchases were not.
They learned a valuable lesson that day—in business, the quality of shoppers is better than the quantity.
This also holds true when it comes to website traffic.
Targeted Website Traffic Leads to Success
When creating ads, you might think it’s best to target the whole country. There are more people in entire country than just a small segment so you have a better chance of getting more visitors, right? Wrong.
Just like in the antique store scenario above, you run the risk of having more visitors, but far less buyers. That’s why it’s crucial you narrow down your advertising, especially focusing on demographics that fall in line with your buyer persona (link to old post).
Targeted website traffic may be lower in volume, but your conversion rate will be much higher. And when your conversion rate goes up, your revenues go up.
Quality Over Quantity
At the end of the day, the most important metric for your business is profit. If you can’t make any money, your business will not survive. You can have 5,000 monthly visitors, 10,000 people signed up for your email list, and 20,000 fans on Facebook, but if you aren’t selling, your business is not sustainable.
That’s why sometimes having 50 visitors is more valuable than 5,000. When you narrow down your target audience, you may lose out on some general traffic numbers, but you then can be sure that the people who do visit your website want to be there.
Are you struggling to get any traffic? Whether you have an outdated design or poorly optimized content, we can help. Give us a call today: 616.929.0790.