Setting up an event for your business is easy. Getting people to show up is the hard part. A WordPress events plugin has a clear advantage over social media events because of their ability to integrate with your device’s calendar.
Also, not everyone in your target market may be on the same social media networks, if they’re on it at all.
Adding an event plugin for your company requires at least a few events every month to make it worthwhile. Valorous Circle uses the plugin EventON to organize its monthly Divi, Elementor, and WooCommerce training programs.
Not every business will have events on its schedule, but the ones that do may struggle without the appropriate means to attract audiences. Aside from concert venues with are regular promoters, a company may lack the necessary tools to market event days, weeks, and months into the future.
By directing people to your website first instead of a third party platform, you can also lead their eyes to other things you deem necessary. Social media often has too many distractions. Meanwhile, you can control so much more on your website.
You can customize EventON listings with color changes, graphics, maps, and enough written information to drive your point home. Moreover, even if you don’t choose the one we use, know that any WordPress event plugin you add will drastically improve the way customers interact with your site.
A paid WordPress events plugin isn’t for every business, but the ability to use an events plugin that is compatible with your website is a far better option than relying on third-party sources like Facebook.
When you impress someone online, you ease some of their natural apprehensions about how you’ll interact with them in person.
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