Get Your Audience to Share Live Streams

Starting a live video is one thing, growing your social media presence while doing it is another.  It takes some level of courage, calm, and clear thinking. Valorous Circle can teach you how to build an audience through live streaming. Between sharing before you go live, during the broadcast, and after the file uploads to your archives, there are many opportunities for your audience to bring others into the fold.

Before the Broadcast

Choose Topics Wisely

Determine topics you will discuss in your live videos well before presenting them. Give each video an impressive title that makes your target audience feel it’s a video they would not want to miss.

Create a Calendar of Events

Create a calendar showing the date and time of your next live videos. Pass along the URL to your target audience and encourage them to share it. Include social media share buttons right on the page to make it easier.

Send Reminders

Count down to the time you are going to go live, with a daily reminder as the event draws closer, and just before. Remind them to share it with anyone they think would not want to miss out.

Offer Q&A

Announce that you will do a detailed question-and-answer session as part of the broadcast. Invite people to submit questions on social media and via email. Many people will tune in just because they’ve submitted a question. Encourage them to invite others to submit a question and tune in on the day.

Run Contests

Announce you will run at least one contest and playing various games during the broadcast, with some interesting spot prizes. These should be the products you normally sell, particularly ones that relate to the live video.

Announce a Product Launch

Whenever you are launching a new product, part of your marketing campaign should include a webinar or a live event to make a big deal out of it. It’s a chance to introduce the product, show it in action, and get people to see it for themselves, and perhaps even spread the word about it. Be clear you are launching an all-new item they will not want to miss.

Give them the VIP treatment

Announce that all attendees to the live launch will get special VIP treatment, but only them. Offer the product for a low price, and/or free bonuses.

During the Broadcast

Social Media

Ask them to share on Facebook or tweet the video’s URL to get anyone they think is interested to join in while it is live so they can watch, ask questions, and give feedback.

Instant Messenger

Many people use instant messenger services such as at Facebook and Snapchat. Ask them to give a shout out about the video so their friends can join in to learn more about your niche.

After the Broadcast

Social Media

Once the broadcast is over and the video in in your archives (and you wish to allow people to continue accessing it), set the privacy level to Public and encourage people to share the URL.


If you want to remind people where to find the archived video, email them a reminder. If you want to restrict the number of people who can see it and find it, making it more exclusive, set the privacy level to unlisted. Then encourage them to share this exclusive video via email or social media.


Ask them to write up a summary of what they learned in the video and add it to their blog, along with the URL for the video. Chances are you might get many more viewers if the reviews are good. Note: if the video does not turn out quite the way you wished, just delete the archived file. If you have time, re-do the video and post it on Facebook and YouTube.

This Valorous Circle blog post on live stream sharing contains licensed content from a third-party source. 

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