Expect More with Valorous Circle

Does your company need a website? Absolutely. Not just any website, but a properly functioning, fast, and mobile-responsive one. At Valorous Circle, we build these kinds of high-quality websites for you, but we are more than just website builders.

For some website developers, the completion of a website project is a finish line. They build the site, accept payment, and move on.

Shouldn’t you be able to expect more from your web company?

Expect More with Valorous Circle

When we create websites, we view them from a sales and marketing perspective, rather than as just a development project. We believe your website is an asset, not an expense, and treat it as such. Our sites deliver relevant traffic, creating more leads and sales and help to further develop customer relationships.

In addition, we never hold sites hostage. Some companies don’t want to give you full access, fearing you will make a change and break it. Instead of restricting access to YOUR website, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to manage it.

If you do happen to make a change that causes an error, we have a full-time, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. support desk, with a guaranteed four-business-hour response time. Call us today at 4:00 p.m. and you’ll hear back from us by tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. And you don’t need to be an existing web design client to use this service. We are here to help.

Ultimately, we want to empower you so that it’s easy for you to leave us, but then you’ll know that each and every day we’ll work to earn your business so you don’t leave.

Expect more with Valorous Circle.

Give us a call today to find out more about how we can build you a brand-new, high-performing website or service your existing one.

Website Help

Our team of WordPress experts can help with your website needs!


Empower yourself with continuous learning through our Valorous Marketing Academy.

Get More Leads

We specialize in helping make you the sales/marketing hero within your organization.