Decoding Digital Dominance: The Ultimate Ranking of Marketing Strategies for Home Service Pros EP #2


u200aAs marketers though I think the number one thing I would actually have somebody focus on first would be a website that converts because that website’s gonna be more than just something that converse leads. It’s actually gonna be validity for your business and everything else will be pointing to that website, business cards, social media, et cetera, et cetera.

That’d be first on my list. Mike, would you agree or disagree? Oh 100%. That was the first thing I was gonna say. There would be no reason for, I don’t wanna say no reason. But it would be very hard to start anywhere else without having that, having the different avenues like email, like social media, like content, point to something.

Welcome to Digital Marketing Shop Talk. I’m Mike Mahaffey. I am the media production specialist for Valor Circle. And here with me is I’m Jeremy Mullins and I’m the Senior Marketing Director at Valor Circle. And Mike, you’re so much more than just a media specialist. You realize that you’re like a.

I don’t, I, this doesn’t come off bad, but you’re like a know-it-all. You know a lot about a lot, so I Sure try. My goal is to at least have somewhat of an understanding of what’s going on around me. I might not be a expert at everything, but I think it’s, I think there’s value to understanding at least what’s going on around you.

So I appreciate that. Yeah, absolutely. That. I appreciate that. But we have episode two here. As I said, we’re gonna be dropping these every Friday. And our purpose with these podcasts is just to create a community for home service business owners. Whether e even if it’s not business owners, home service environment, I guess you should say, the community to just come on, be able to learn marketing tips and tricks, but also our hope is to.

Invite people business owners, business leaders, people who are involved in the trades to come on and share their stories. So we’re super excited to get that going. And have episode here, episode two to here. But I know Jeremy and I were talking pre-show about something we see a lot in the home service industry.

And that’s trying to figure out where to start when it comes to digital marketing. Yeah. A lot of businesses they get their license, they’re ready to go. They think they know the basics and sometimes they might be putting their energy in the wrong spot. Exactly. And it can be overwhelming.

You and I work in digital marketing every single day, so we know how many different avenues there can be. The internet is continuing to grow. We’ve seen at 2023 such a huge advancement with AI technology that it’s just like there, there is no slowing down. So I would even make the argument sometimes, like even us that are working daily in this industry can seem overwhelmed at times with so many things that are going on.

So I guess it’s just important. Where is home service? Business owners? Like where do they begin? I guess I would say, it’s good question. Mike, I think we should make a list. What do you think? I think so too. I think it would be great for us to kinda walk through a lot of the things in the digital world, whether that’s a website, whether that’s s e o, digital ads.

Email content, video. There’s so many things. I think I agree. I think there’s value to us being able to create that list that home service business owners can listen to and be able to follow and apply to their business as well. Yeah. So what do you where, I guess where do we begin, let’s say, yeah.

Do we wanna build a scenario? What I mean by scenario is let’s say. Joe Schmoe created a an electrical business and he’s been in operation for two years now. So he’s got it going. He’s got some business but hasn’t put any of her. It’s basically just been word of mouth thus far, just talking, doing business with family and referrals.

And he hasn’t started yet, so his business is established but hasn’t really started. Okay. And he’s ready to take his business to the next step. We kinda want to go from there, like, where would he. What should he do first? And then we’ll build a list of, like a priority list, yeah. I like that a lot.

I there’s a couple of things that we have to talk about that I wanna make sure it’s not taken to gospel, right? Because just because we say it here doesn’t mean like it’s if you do it this way, if you don’t do it this way, you’re in trouble. People do things their own way and they succeed all the time.

As marketers though I think the number one thing I would actually have somebody focus on first would be a website that converts because that website’s gonna be more than just something that converse leads. It’s actually gonna be validity for your business and everything else will be pointing to that website, business cards, social media, et cetera, et cetera.

That’d be first on my list. Mike, would you agree or disagree? Oh 100%. That was the first thing I was gonna say. There would be no reason for, I don’t wanna say no reason, but it would be very hard to start anywhere else without having that, having the different avenues like email, like social media, like content point to something.

And I always like to use the analogy that our founder career always says in it’s like imagining that the, that a website is a beautiful hotel. Then the marketing around it. So video content, social media, emails and whatnot are the highways and roads that bring people to that website, and then people and the website convert.

So it’s just like in this avenue, if we don’t start with that hotel, Those roads, they’re gonna be, they’re gonna be pointing in all different directions and people in this case, potential customers and clients, if you start somewhere else, might not know where to go and would get lost at odds are you’d lose a lot of potential leads.

I agree. Cool. So number one website. If we’re putting a list of priority, what would you put as number two, Mike? I would say for number two. You’d start with content creation in s ss e o, kind of two sides of the spectrum. Or two sides of the coin, two sides of one coin. Yeah. And that would be ongoing content to that website.

So it’s just as I said, going back to the analogy, and I feel like I’m gonna be using this analogy a lot. Let’s say you put all this effort into this building and then just let go. And then you’re like, all right, that’s awesome. You don’t do ongoing maintenance. You don’t tend to it, you don’t care for it.

Especially as we mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, if we are in an ever changing technological or technology digital world. So if you create that website and don’t add and continue to add content, then it then that, that website is gonna become outdated. The, your competitors who are adding content to their website is going to be are gonna outcompete you when it comes to Google and whatnot.

So I would start there. Content creation and making sure you have a calendar, a schedule to go off of that. You’re continuing to add content on a regular basis. Yeah I would agree. Anytime that you have a hotel, You could tell, if you walk into a hotel, if it’s outdated.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. The general public knows if they land on a website that’s outdated. Yeah. That, that actually runs your validity a little bit, in my opinion. Yeah. Yeah, that’s a good point. I think number two and I think every business should make this a priority no matter what you’re doing.

I’m gonna say Google business profile. That should be like the number two thing every business does. Okay. Uhhuh, if you have an office, if you have some, if you have some place where you know, people can come and make an appointment to, to stop by and see you, I think Google Business profiles gonna be the number two thing I’d recommend.

No, I agree. ’cause obviously Google is the big elephant in the room. That’s what most majority a huge majority of people use when they search for businesses. So if you’re not set up on Google, then people aren’t gonna find your website to begin with. I’m not gonna push back on that. I do agree that would probably be a little bit before, before content creation because you’d also use, as I said, the blogging and content creation to be posting out onto Google to help you continue to rake.

I agree. Being able to set up and circling back to what Mike just said, sorry. That you can actually take your blogs and you can actually post them to your Google business profile. And that, that means that you’re actually using a tool that Google likes. So if you use to Google, like Google likes, oh my gosh what are they gonna do?

You’re gonna be like, Hey, we’re gonna award you with rankings. I do agree taking that content from the website and getting it onto Google business profile is gonna be important. Nope, I agree. At this point? At this point now we’re two, three steps in at this point. We have the hub, we have the website that people will go to learn more about your business.

And we are, we’re starting to create a presence around that, that, that website, that hub, that hotel and the scenario we keep using that people are being able to start to find your website. But now we kinda are getting into. A little more of the weeds of creating, prioritizing things to continue to bring people to that hotel, that website.

So Jeremy, what would be kinda your first avenue that you’d go from there? You have your website, your Google business profile set up. Let’s say you started posting content directly on your website. So right now it’s, you have content going directly on your website and say you’re copost that onto your Google business profile. Where do you go from, where do you go from there to continue to bring people to that website? I’m gonna go broad here because if I don’t go broad here I think you and I can get into a heated argument about which one would be priority. So yeah, I’m gonna say non non-video social media.

Not that you can’t post video there. But I think it’s easier for people to post images or just post on Facebook on LinkedIn, I think is important that’s LinkedIn’s always overlooked when it comes to social media for business. I think it’s vital to, to survive in this today day and age.

And then images on Instagram I think are gonna be if he has something to focus on, I’d put that as number three. Now, I. The reason why I say that is because a lot, it takes a lot of energy sometimes not for people to actually get on camera and start making that move forward.

So instead of saying video, which I mean honestly they’re like this on the list to me. I think if we tell people to start posting on Facebook and LinkedIn, they’re gonna be more likely to do it than recording video and post it on YouTube. Okay. Going broad. No. I was gonna say, I get what you did there, and I think the thing that came to my mind that I would do next, I, it would coincide with what you’re saying and it would be more of the strategy in which you’re posting.

And the first thing that popped to my mind would be starting to build an email list. Just because, yeah, I, they go hand in hand. That’s why I think. This might be what, three or four A and b kind of thing. It’s like what you’re saying is creating the content and then mine’s kind of the strategy behind that content.

Just because as we said, the digital media is ever changing. And so Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, all these are continuing to always change, update their algorithms, and you have to adjust on the fly. But for years, ever since the internet has been. In existence, really. The, so like the thing that’s remained the most consistent, I would argue is an email, is email and email lists and and email campaigns.

And so you need a starting point. If you don’t have anybody to send emails or ongoing marketing campaigns too, then then there’s, then you’re missing a, one of the most consistent. Constant activities. So as I said, you could collaborate and connect what Jeremy said with social media content and using social media, using your presence with what you’re posting to start collecting people’s emails.

So you might not be doing business with these people right away, but if you can get their emails then you can continue to send out consistent emails. So when they do have an electrical problem, when they do have a clubbing issue. They’re familiar with you through the emails that you’ve been sending and they’ll go to you to do business.

As I think, as I say, unless you see something different, I feel like kinda what we’re saying could be combined, as you said very broad and I think I probably punched a hole in it. And what more specific in what you said? I what you’re doing is probably, I’d probably put number four on the list.

So we’ve talked about website, we’ve talked about content or Google business profile, social media. It is number four on the list, but it’s also the most valuable on the list, and I think a lot of, yep, home service businesses miss that opportunity when they open their doors. If the realtor’s been in business, or I’m sorry if the plumber’s been, edit that, please.

If the plumber’s been in business for two years they probably have some sort of client communication. But the email list for any business. Is where the money’s at, period. In my opinion. Not only is it for marketing it’s also used for targeting, right? So as we move down the list and we get to paid advertisements, you can actually advertise to an email list specifically.

So if they’ve done business with you in the past, they like you, love you and trust you, you send out an email, advertise around them, your return customers are probably going to return a lot more and be able to invest in your business more. Yeah. I was gonna say I’m having to stop myself and help myself.

I guarantee you, you and I will do another, a whole podcast episode on email marketing and email strategy. So I’m trying to try to hold myself from going too much in the strategy, just because we could derail the whole conversation on that. So if you’re listening, stay tuned. We’ll do a whole episode on email marketing in sale.

Yeah. But and at the same time if you listen to this, if you listen to this podcast, If you’re not collecting emails, start today. Yep. Start with your last customer. Start today. Yep. Exactly. Exactly. And it’s the best. It’s a great way to create loyalty as well. I think going what you’re, what you were saying is when you do business with someone, once you collect their emails, then they’re more likely to use you again because they’re seeing you consistently.

Email, emails, people, I think people can come to a snap judgment and say that it’s outdated. I think the more you look into it, that’s crazy talk. That’s crazy. I check my email every day. Do you, Mike? Oh yeah. Oh, stuff every day. Yep. Not outdated yet. No. Nope. Not at all. I think the one thing that popped into my mind, and I wanna hear what you have to say is this one might, might jump some of the stuff you said, or we might have a little debate here, and I’m excited to hear what you have to say.

Where would you put, would you have started paid advertising, like online or pay-per-click at all? Before anything that we started. Where would you put that? Where would you, would that be like one of the next steps? I don’t know if you can run ads without a website Does come out be That’s fair. Yeah.

Because even to apply for some of the ads, like they need a website to point people to or to validate your business I think I, I think you’re, we’re on the right path. I think it’s deciding where to put the, that money though which ad platform. I’m gonna say we count to three and then I know we’re gonna have different answers.

Or maybe the same we’ll know, but Ready? Where money. Wait, say that again. So we’re starting Google. We’re starting ads, right? Okay. We’re starting ads. Which platform are we gonna be doing first? Because I, I think that matters. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna say mine specifically, and then you can say yours specifically.

Okay. Ready? One at the same time. Yep. At the same time. 1, 2, 3. Google, Facebook. Google. Why? Google? Google. Local service ads. I’d put, okay. And that’s something that any business can do. All you need to be, you need to be insured. I. Yeah, that’s where I’d put my money first before Facebook. So are you talking about like display ads?

So when, no. Okay. Go Google Local service ads. Google, guaranteed. Gotcha. Gotcha. So that’s just to clarify that’s the ones that, like when you type in electrician, electricians near me, those are the first ones where they have the little check marks at the top of Google, right? Yep. Hundred percent.

That’s, Google’s put that as a platform for businesses that. Our insured, they have good reviews, so you need to have so many good reviews in R to B on that as well. It is a bidding structure, so you know, your competition can definitely update you, but businesses need to be validated and if when you have a green checkbox, in my opinion, you’re validated.

Now I’m not a know-it-all. Why you, why would you do Facebook? I think more or less just because it. You can target, if I, if you can correct me if I’m wrong, ’cause you know a little bit more about ads and me, but isn’t the targeting a little bit better on Facebook that you can as I said, so if I’m a plumber, I can target and create an audience on Facebook that goes after let’s say homeowners on average probably what, 30?

30 to 60? 30 to 60 maybe even more. And be able to, and if you’re in a specific city, so let’s say I am focused in Cincinnati, Ohio. I can target the area. Isn’t there a lot more targeting when it comes to Facebook? Or is it give or take go Google’s based on search terms, right?

Yeah we could get into demo graphics if we wanted to, but what you’re saying is not wrong. Okay. But it’s a type of ad that I guess I was trying to drill on. What type of ad would you actually putting out on Facebook? What type? Yeah what’s the hook? You know what I mean? Come do business with me.

Yeah. Yeah. Are you, is this a question? Yeah, absolutely. Sorry buddy. Yeah, 100%. It’s a question for you. What type of ad would you be doing on Facebook? So it would be like a display. So they’d see an image, and I guess it I go twofold. I would like either a, this is where I would try to collect email lists as well.

So if I had in this instance like a lead magnet or something, a free offer. So in this instance, I’m a free, or I’m a plumber. And I offer like free inspections or free checkups just to try to collect people. I do that that would be my hook. Do you want a free in inspection?

Do you want a free something that doesn’t cost me a ton of time or ton of resources offer that as well. So that’d be my hook when doing like a Facebook ad, is that what you’re thinking? Yeah. Creating a nice checklist of how to winterize your home answering plumbing.

Download this free. Yeah. To start Collect. Hell’s email addresses 100%. I agree with the concept. I think it depends on the business, which one they’d prioritize first. ’cause Google low school, local service ads, now calls, they call you, they need you now. Facebook don’t necessarily need you now, but they could use you in the future.

So I’m not sure which one we prioritize on the list first. I think it depends on the business. No, that’s fair. I guess my question is going back to the list. Would you put, once you set up your Google Business profile, do you need a Google Business profile to set up Google guarantee? Yeah. It helps.

Yeah. Okay. That’s what I thought. So would you put obviously you’re talking a lot of importance here. Would you do that immediately after your Google Business profile? Not necessarily. All depends on the business’ needs. Okay. And I think that businesses who do that actually get a lot of traction really quick, to be honest with you.

No no, that makes sense. And I was gonna say, if you wanna say, obviously what Jeremy said at the beginning before we started this, is we can generalize a priority list. But the, as he said, this isn’t set in stone. This is not a follow this and this is what you need to do. You need, take what we say and critically think about, okay, how would I prioritize this and how would it affect my business?

And go from there. Yep. 100% we’re just talking out of our own experience what we’ve seen works best with Yeah. Majority of businesses that we’re working with. Okay. So let’s go down the list that we have so far, just so we’re on the same page. Website For validity, number one has to happen, right?

Yep. Okay. Number two we talked about Google business profile, correct. Business profile. Yep. Okay. Number three. Did we It was the social media, all the big ones. I was, we, I was gonna say, could we combine, just leave that as like content creation, so consistent content on your social media posting and consistent content posting on your website.

Oh, sorry, this might be edited. One second. Hello? Oh, I’m so sorry. Okay. Okay. Sorry, I’m just shot at one.

I need like a recording light, like flick on, so I feel like doesn’t like no worries. Carl. Cut that out. You know what to do. Yes, please. Do you wanna start over? Let’s actually start over from list Exactly. If that’s okay. 22 minutes. 20, 23 minutes. Yep. So we’ll start over. Okay, so what do we have on the list so far?

We have a website. That’s gotta be number one. Validity number two was Google Business Profile. Setup. Just establishing yourself on Google. Okay. Number three, I think we agreed this a social media presence. The Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Kind of those three. Yeah.

Would you, I was gonna say, would you include would you just make this one content creation? And include blogs on your website and you can cross That’s blogs. That’s, yeah. Would you, ’cause you could also use, that’s Yeah. Just kind of content creation. Content. Content creation. Yeah. Content creation is, content Trace is priority over social media okay.

I was just say, you can combine ’em, ’cause content creation, you’re creating content for your website and for your social medias. Yeah. And then from there you said, Was this where you’d put Google guaranteed that’s where I would put my money first. Yes. So got Google listing, go local service ads.

L S A is what we call ’em. Yeah. And I was gonna say, oh, go ahead. Sorry. No, go ahead. I was just gonna say for the sake of us making a list, obviously just like I said, email, oh, we email marketing. Would we put that before Google? Guaranteed? Yes, I would. Ghost five. That was number four. Now I’m going back in my head Number four, email marketing paid.

Okay, so then L s, a. Yep. So website, Google Business profile, content creation, email marketing, email collecting email list. Paid ads. I was gonna say, and we can, I was gonna say, we, I know we focus on strategy that you prior would prioritize Google, guaranteed, but we’ll leave that kind of broad as just paid in the general ’cause I know we could, there’s, that’s another episode just talking about paid strategy and what we’d prioritize.

Kinda like what we were getting into it a little bit, but we’ll just leave that one as paid. So love it. After paid what’s next? What’s next? What should a business do? This is when I think you should pull out your phone and start doing video. Yep. Yep. I was gonna say talked a little bit about it, I think last podcast, and if you’ve seen anything that we’re posting on social media, the biggest thing is just clicking record.

As we’re seeing right now. This is where once again, I’m a little biased because this is, I’m in, in media at our team, but this is where we’re seeing right now. Trends. Trends are huge when it comes to the short form video. YouTube, TikTok, Facebook reels, Instagram reels. They’re just so popular that just by posting a video, one of those short form videos, there’s a good chance that it, the minimum I’ve seen really consistently is like 200 views.

And so just by creating those videos consistently, you’ll be able to get more and more, and that’s 200 eyes, 200 plus eyes that are seeing that, and building awareness or under your brand. Out of anything like this is a huge thing that I would put like a massive star next to that you need to be doing.

But I do, in the sake of this list, I do understand why some of that other stuff would be a priority. Because obviously if you don’t have a website, if you don’t have anything social media app in general Yeah. Social media, then you can’t be doing it. So it makes sense that it would fall here.

Yep. I, the video is so important on how people connect with us, right? It the evolution of how phones work, and I’m gonna say like FaceTime or Google Hangouts where you have a vertical format, like what I’m on. People actually feel really comfortable watching videos like that ’cause they almost feel like they’re watching a friend.

I see video’s important. In video, it puts a face, it puts a face to your business. Creates that familiarity. Familiarity. Familiarity. Yeah. It helps build trust like the more they see you, the more potential clients see you on your social media or through their feeds, the more likely they’re gonna trust you.

Yep. A hundred percent. Video’s important? I have unless you have something big. I’m thinking where we could go next to the list after this, because I feel like right now at this point, we’ve laid a lot of cards on the table of a list of priority digital marketing tips and tricks that a business should follow.

And I think unless you have something that you’re thinking would be a priority over this, I would say it’s worth noting at this point. To take a second and evaluate, review, and evaluate everything on how that’s working. Basically as I said just from the top, how is your content working? Is it connecting with your audience?

Is your content being helpful? Are people engaging with your content? How’s your email list? Are you being able to create and build upon your email list? Or are you struggling? Is it like pulling teeth to get those emails? Maybe you need to adjust your strategy there. You paid advertisement.

Are you getting many clicks? Are you getting many conversions off that? If not, take a step back. Reevaluate that strategy. So I think it’s, I think it’s worth, and it’s important to put this, put that on our list. Take a time, evaluate, see how things are going. I don’t think you’re wrong. I think that is gonna go as soon as you start spending a penny on advertisement.

You have to be evaluating. I think it’s really good to put on the list. Let’s mark that down. Let’s put evaluate, because after that I think we need to look at online reputation management. But that’s gonna take evaluation anyway. I was just about to say, I feel like those would be going hand in hand.

You’re evaluating what you’re doing and you’re adjusting to help build your reputation. So I feel like those might go hand in hand with each other. Yeah. I out concur with your message. Yeah. Let’s, so after talking about evaluation, let’s actually have a conversation about online management and just easy, how easy it is.

For the most part, as long as you don’t have any bad press in your business, it is as easy as getting positive reviews, on Google business profiles on Facebook, and then interacting with those reviews on a consistent basis as well. Yeah, I was So it gives you a faster review.

Yeah, go ahead. I was just say no, you took that right out my mouth. I was gonna say, it’s one thing, it’s important to get those five star reviews but it’s also important to reply and interact with those reviews and I would. I’d say even more important to reply to the negative ones as well.

But unfortunately we live in a broken world and no matter how absolutely perfect you think your business is, people have off days and they are going to leave negative reviews. And so it is so important to reply to them in a very respectful way. It is not a good idea to start negotiating. In a public forum, so other potential customers can see you.

Arguing, arguing with someone online, you reply to them in a very respectful way. It’ll give them an avenue if they would like to have a further conversation to contact you outside of a public domain. One, one response is all you need. And if they respond to a response, just let it fly. Hopefully they contact you and you get that review fixed.

Yep. Marketing strategy there there’s restaurants out there are really good at this. Somebody leaves ’em a bad review on Yelp or something along those lines. And then like they do take that bad review and be like, come sit at the bar. That’s way too small for a five foot eight woman or something like that.

They actually take those reviews and make it part of a marketing campaign that like gets people’s attention. It’s, they’re funny and they’re, yeah. I don’t know. I, they crack me up, so that takes bravery. No I agree. Kind of reputation management, showing your character, not just being a blank sheet.

I think that’s important too kinda like what we were talking about when it comes to content creation. You need to be able to show your character. This is, if you’re a business owner, this is your business, this is your brand show. Show who you are. Don’t be afraid to make it everything black and white, so professional.

Do it in once again, respectful way, but be able to show your character ’cause more people will be able to connect with that as well. I was gonna say, I think I was gonna say, I would further repu, we talked about Google reviews, but also when it comes to reputation management online interacting with people that are commenting on your posts.

Once again, the same thing as I said when people say, oh, nice video, or, I’m interested just making sure you’re interacting with them in your comments on your social media platforms as well. Yep. Going through this list is fun because, I know that we, what we do for our clients, things run on autopilot, which is gonna bring up another one.

But we actually forgot to talk about getting on other directories, right? Once you have your Google business profile corrected and completed, it is a good idea to, to partner with a program that would actually display it everywhere online. Yeah. We use tools for that.

Save a ton of money on our consumer’s end because, we know where to go to. But making sure all the online directors, yelp yellow, so that have the same information, the nap name, address, phone number is gonna be vital to make sure you show up on search engines. So I think we need to put that on need to chalk that up to the Google business profile creation and then online directories.

So it’d be like what was its number subtask? Yeah. Sub subtask 0.5, so yeah, two two B two two. Two B to 2.5 something. Let’s say two. I was gonna say two Can be Google Business profile. And online directories. Yeah. Okay. That’s good point though. The bottom of the list so far for me. After we do evaluations, after we do online reputation management as a business owner, you need to be systematizing as much as possible, so we have a good framework So far.

It’s gonna be systematizing and scheduling when things happen on all of those outlets, in my opinion. Yeah. I was gonna say maybe elabor, maybe elaborate more. I have an idea of what you mean by systematize. Systematize, man. I’m struggling. Maybe elaborate a little bit more. Okay. Systematize am I posting a blog every week?

If I post a blog every week? ’cause I’ve done on Monday. Am I updating my advertisements? If I update my advertisements? Is it done on Tuesday? If I’m going through online reputation management and my might check it every Wednesday if you can systematize an hour a day to focus on these things, you’ll be better off than the businesses who completely forget them and just say, I have a website, it’s working for me.

I have one star reviews. That’s okay. So if you systematize how you do these things, put them in the calendar, assign maybe staff to do them your business has the ability to start scaling then, in my opinion. Yep. I was gonna say in our scenario, this is a. A business owner that might be like, just starting off.

He’s been in business for two years and he might not have a staff, he or she, I should say, he or she should not have, might not have a staff yet. So this would be a good time to start maybe bringing on delegating as you’re growing and do these tasks start delegating either hiring full-time employees.

Hiring contractors, hiring a local agencies to do this as well. This would be a great time to make sure once you, again, to consist to add consistency because if you don’t have that system in place everything that we’re talking about right now is not one and done. It is not, it’s not a checklist for you to check off and it’s done forever.

Everything that we’ve talked about today needs to be ongoing. There is management with everything that we’ve said so far. Obviously we’d be crazy to say that one person can do everything that we’re talking about, but one person’s business can at least start it and get to this system step to be able to start delegating, figure out the best way that works for their business to continue to do this consistently.

Yeah, I think so. For sure. Next on the list, so let’s pretend that the business is growing. What’s next on your list, Mike? I. So next. Okay, we systemize, we’re growing. We’re kicking butt. This is, I, this might jump ’cause we’re growing at this point.

The systematized step. We’re making sure this is ongoing. We’re adding people to our team to manage this. If I and the business owner at this point, I’d maybe start reaching out for partnerships. A k a let’s just try to say, once again, in this instance, I think we were an electrician to start at this point.

Plumber. We’re a plumber. Were we a plumber? Yeah, we’re a plumber. Okay. We’re okay. We’re a plumber. And so regardless let’s say at this point, you’re starting to have a team under you that’s doing this doing all this ni and gritty when it comes to digital marketing. And so at this point, you can start, you can have the freedom to start continuing to.

Build relationships with other business owners and create those partnerships with like builders, contractors. So like a builder’s coming up you’re creating those partnerships with them. So when they’re building houses or they’re building a subdivision or they’re building office buildings, they’ll come to you to do those specific plumbing services.

You are now, your business has grown. You are the face of this business and it’s starting to start, it’s now time to start putting your face out there and connecting and networking with those people. I agree completely. I agree completely. Is there anything that you’d add or do differently than what I said?

No, I, it’d be next to my list for sure. Assuming that money’s coming in from all these other efforts I think the next logical step for local businesses, And start purchasing media locally. Radio stations Spotify in your zip code running YouTube ads in your zip code, purchasing commercials on tv, stuff like that.

That, that’s assuming you have the money and the capacity to start doing those. I was gonna say, I like how you put it. Put it here because it’s, It would be ignorant for us to say that they’re, those things, these avenues don’t add any value, but I think it’s, as we said, we’re making a list and so everything we’ve said, we put a priority, but at this point, you’re booming, you’re growing, and the more media, the more things you can put your brand on, put your voice on.

Jeremy said billboards, radios, podcasts, Spotify, the more. The more avenues that people will be able to hear your business and connect with you to do business with you. So I do agree it is valuable. We put it at this point just because we put everything before it, but it’s still, there is still value when it comes to those types of thing.

And then after that I’m probably gonna go back to the big E again, right? Evaluate. Yep. Start over. That’s it. At this point, yeah. I feel like at this point you’re here. You have a business. It’s hopefully booming at this point. If not, then you really need to reevaluate things. And at this point there’s just a lot of different directions you can go as a business owner.

But like once again, just making sure at this point everything is clicking, everything is moving smoothly, and you have that consistency with everything that we’ve said in this checklist so far. Yep, I agree. Awesome. Now go ahead. I’m sorry. Oh, no. Were you gonna ask something? Not ask something. I, there, there’s a bravery in business in my opinion, that if you can be brave and creative along the processes that we’re putting together the more you, along with standing out.

The, it gets fun to get a, and we talked about this before on, on our social media. Get a business jingle, right? If you have a business jingle that go everywhere, it can be on your website, it can be on, not social media, that just being creative and putting that, that put that foot forward along the way.

So that’s all. No I was gonna say, I like that when you have these things in place and you have systems and there’s consistency that makes you as a business owner, be able to start. You have that wiggle room, you have that wiggle room to start being a little more creative. You are at where you are at because you’re an entrepreneur, because you have great thoughts and now this, now that things are cooking, you have that freedom to, to be unique, think outside of the box, add, maybe add additional services to your business.

And as I mentioned a little bit ago, there’s so many different avenues that you can go at this point. Because at this point you’ve, you’re hopefully seeing business success. The one thing I do wanna highlight, we have said a lot today and a lot of it, I’m sure is a fire hose of information.

And a lot of it you, this might be the first time you’ve ever heard what Google guaranteed is or what some of the things that we’ve talked about before. Shameless plug, if you type in the dial at the bottom here, valor We have free resources. That is a checklist for you to be able to do the checklists, have everything or close to everything that we’ve talked about today on it, and you can literally download it for free.

No cost at all, not trying to sell anything whatsoever. We just wanna provide a free resource for you to be able to follow this checklist and continue to build. As I said, a lot of this is building. On top of another, and you can follow these checklists to help your business grow. Yeah. I’m gonna go back on, on what I’m gonna go back for a purpose here.

Okay. Strategic partnerships, right? You talked about the importance, strategic partnerships. I’m gonna state this. We would actually like to be your strategic partner. Not that we need to be your marketing company, but we would love to have you on the podcast to talk about what you’re doing in your business, right?

To talk how you’re actually. Making strides and growth might not be through advertisements, maybe it’s through systems or something like that. But we’d love to have that conversation with you. So if you wanna be on, it’s absolutely free, 90 free, as one of my friends says all the time.

And we don’t bite, I promise. Yeah. We’ll get, Jeremy and I will get tired of and sick of each other if it’s just him and I talking all the time. We’re excited that the reason why we’re doing this is I said, to create a community. We can invite people on and have fun discussions about businesses, about what they’re doing, what they’re doing well, what they might need help in, and so on.

We’re excited. This is gonna be good. We are. So once again hit us up at valor tree. Love a conversation with you. Awesome. I say, Jeremy, do you have any other final thoughts as we wrap up our digital marketing checklist? That we’ve kinda wrapped through today. No, but I love being called out if we forget something.

So if you listen to this, let us know where we messed up. I’d love to have that conversation as well. Yeah, so we’re not perfect. It guar guarantee you. We probably forgot something that is as important or as equally as important as a lot of the things we said today. So yeah, let us know in the comments.

What did we forget? I was gonna say also, if you watch this where are you gonna start? What, maybe you’ve already started a lot of these things. Where are you at currently? Maybe you’re at the beginning. Maybe you haven’t done any of this. Maybe you’ve done some of this. Let us know where you’re at.

We’d love to have a discussion, the comments about that. Love it, Mike. That’s all I got today, man. Perfect. Awesome. As I said we’ll wrap it up today. We’re gonna be releasing these every Friday, so make sure you stay tuned for our next episode coming out next Friday, and we hope everybody has a great day.

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