You might think as a web design firm we’d be promoting the idea that a website can solve all of your marketing problems, right?
We believe that a good looking, user friendly, simple to use website is crucial to your marketing success. We believe your website should be the center of your marketing efforts (both online and off). We DO NOT believe that a website alone is enough. Having a great website without the marketing plan is like having a great-looking car without an engine or wheels.
What is a business or non-profit to do? Simple. We call it EIEIO Online Marketing:
Step 1: Get a good looking, easy to navigate website. Make sure your website content is keyword rich, easy to read and relevant to your target audience.
Step 2: Setup a blog as part of your website.
Step 3: Create a content calendar to help you plan out what type of content you will create and sharing with your audience.
Step 4: Set up the social media channels for your business.
Step 5: Link your blog to your social media channels so it sends your newly created blog content out to your various social media channels.
Step 6: Create relevant landing pages on your website to provide specific pages on your site to support your marketing plan
Step 7: Start blogging regularly (we recommend at least once a week).
Step 8: Collect email addresses for email marketing.
Step 9: Send out targeted email newsletters sharing EIEIO (Entertain, Inspire, Educate, Instruct, Outrage) content to the email list that you have built on your website.
After 90 days, you should now have a library of relevant, engaging content on your blog. When you do, it is time to share this content out to your social media channels regularly.
Step 10: Re-share and re-title your best content to your social media channels.
Step 11: Continue and repeat.