Welcome to Digital Marketing Shop Talk (DM Shop Talk) EP #1


Now when they electrician they need a plumber they need someone check out hfa what’s the first thing they do they internet click plum Google electrician near me its just it just important to be one of those electricians one of those plums on there that pouring into their digital digital presence so they can be the first one when when people when homeowners are typing.

Such and such business near me that they can be.

Welcome to digital marketing shop talk or DM talk presented by valor Circle my name’s Mike Maha I’m the digital marketing digital special media specialist for vale Circle in her along with me is im je I’m the uh senior director of marketing at be Circle as well. It has been a long time coming Jeremy that we’ve been wanting to start this podcast to say the least getting it off the ground Circles had a handful other podcast like the clean up podcast o the one day success podcast.

I know you and i have talked a lot about trying to get one that’s really geared toward our niche which is home service hooka or home service businesses we really want to best serve them create a community to be able to best serve them talk about digital strategies tell stories on here invite other.

Business owners here to explain some stories that they might have about their industry ya im excited about a little bit of in introverted so having a Conversation between me and maybe fantastic so i me looking forward to this a lot no. I mean es say me too i think it just offers a platform that said we can.

Discuss our marketing expertise on here so that other business owners will be able to take what we have to say take some tips tricks away from this podcast put along with that i think in more importantly we can invite dos business owners on here as well so they can share their stories so they can share how their business is going how they’ve seen success in their Industries.

Business owners entrepreneurs that are watching this in the home service industry can get feedback off that to get more advice to maybe apply to their business as well fantastic so i guess my cuestiu00f3n to because i think this first. Who we are why why we’re passionate about the home service industry and why we wanna help them so i guess Jeremy i want kinda laid up for you and give you the platform to kind of express why are you passionate about the home service industry why why is that power Circles niche why do we want to help them when comes

ymm. Fui a time i the position

so i grew up in the country we grew up in really small town my dad was a master he was actually a pipeter for general Motors we were always working on our house always dry always Plumbing just kind of getting it out and getting it ready to go and ah when. When i came to College started developing marketing i always have a passion for people who donu00f3 whats entailed in marketing and then trying to help them and having a history of my dad being a plumber really made an impact on like.

I can talk to these people right we’re having a Conversation i know exactly they’re feeling because been there my dads kind the same way so um i have a passion problem people in the home service industry specifically because they’re needed theres no housing shortage in the United states old houses need to get fixed up all the time roofers es much much needed.

I wanna be able to connect them the people they need to serve and that making no really good sabes, my cuestiu00f3n es how how Growing up en a family that was focused around home services what was kind of your route to get into digital marketing to where you are at in your position with without.


so to marketing class or marketing school in College i to piano design it was specifically i had the artistic touch and Kendall was a way for me to find out what i wanted to deal with that um, so it home industry was the person in IED to be honest with you. Nada. I really feel zone dos im helping so ahm Journey takes a thousand footsteps need to go so.

I know originally outta your background was a real estate working with real estate agent style their individual marketing Plans and getting their Brands out so I’m sure there’s a beauty to it at this point your Career able to mesh your passion behind digital marketing with being able to serve home service business you feel i do i think it all comes to who.

One thing you said a little bit ago that i wanna bring back up that’s very important es the importance of the trade industry the home service industry right now we’ve just seen especially in my generation the younger generation we’ve just seen such a push to.

Business of the trades and sos important than ever to really try to promote los trade Jobs unfortunately because trade business owners are so spent all their years. Being experts at the Crafts being an Expert pipe fitter being an Expert plumber being Expert electrician that unfortunately a lot of the times they might they might feel a little less experienced when it comes to the digital world when it comes to some of the jargon we might throw out like SEO or working with Google to ra and that i guess wanna elaborate is like we’re both passionate about that.

Because we know my father also is in the home service industry i grew up en a port wall family so Growing up poring basement foundations for houses still to this day my two Brothers still involved with that and so it’s the same thing I’m very passionate about it i see it first day that they become experts at what they do and being able to provide for homeowners.

En Expert craftsman they might fall behind and that’s i guess my heart behind wanting to be able to provide the digital presence for them so can still focus what is important them which is be able to create a perfect product for their homeowners building for ah. Then they have people like us can do their presence so they can outbreak ine online and so they don’t fall behind i guess my question to you Jeremy is marketing director why is that important for home service business owners tore still being experts in their Crafts why is it still important for them to make sure that they’re not falling behind in the digital world.

I think you have two choices when you decide that you’re gonna show up for the day right you work on your business or in your business and um unless you have the bandwidth or the capacity and the knowledge to actually market your business for tomorrow’s Jobs youre always today Jobs and so when it comes to digital marketing having an Expert or having can lean on to make sure things are getting done.


no i a. A lot of people nowadays when they electrician they need plum they need someone check out for hfac what the first thing they do they pull the internet click plum in Google electrician near me and its just it’s just important. To be one of those electricians one of those plums on there that is pouring into their digital digital presence so they can be the first one homeowners typing such and such business near me that they can be towards the top i i guess go full Circle to some of the other things said we’re kinda already going into some of the things some tips and tricks.

Me and Jeremy wanna provide during this podcast i also wanna talk about where i think will even provide more value and created community is allowing business owners we wanna invite business owners on this podcast to share their stories es Jeremy why do you think do think that’s important for this podcast be able to.

To be a platform plumbers that electricians that roofers that damaged Restoration experts can come on and share what their business is like with their story how they’ve come to be why is that important i think people need something to strive for right so even if it’s we have on this esos de gas. Ah that doing en el aspecto de.

Listen to this will be able take from it and actually put it into practice for their at same time i know the people we have they’re gonna have struggles right we’re gonna have good Conversations about what they’re doing right maybe they ask las questions what they can do to improve i think that if you’re listening to this stories are honestly so learning from other peoples experiencias are gonna be.

Es going to be a f anybody who wants to listen

you literally set me yesterday a ted talk and the art of town stories with your business im pretty sure theres College majors for people College classes courses literally will teach and just be a good storyteller. There’s there’s reason why still to this day people are flooding to movies why still to this day people are still reading hundreds of books per year that’s because they love a good story so thats important es business able to find find that that route Avenue for you to be able to take how you’ve come to be your your route to success your route becoming a business owner.

A story that engages people en gets them more anything build that trust by telling that story theyre being getting that connection and youre being able to build that trust through your story and that’s. Why we want this podcast because business owner have this Avenue they might not have the own podcast i mean wed I’ll be the first one to say i think at this point most business owners should start their own podcast obviously i understand there’s a lot that goes to it and it can be kinda scary sometimes so at least we want to be able to create this this platform that they can come on and share their stories.

So we’re excited and this is just this is just the beginning we have a lot this is this podcast is going to be 11 a week we’re gonna release it every Friday and maybe down the road as this podcast continues to grow i think i speak for Jeremy as well we’d like this podcast to even grow maybe twice a week see how that goes for now as we’re watching it we start it 11 a week and we’re just excited to see this grow.

So question free think the people that we’re trying to talk to the plumbers electricians do think they tell their story enough i think i think. I would say no just for the soul facts general general statement to say that all all electricians all home service business owners don that’s a very generalist thing to say i say in general no just because i think as i said there’s there’s College courses theres literally College majors you how to.

Tell story there’s public speaking classes and so when it comes to home services as i mentioned earlier spent their whole years Growing up thirty forty years becoming an absolute Expert as an electrician as a plumber that they might not have the the public speaking ability or the Skill as much es someone else who’s back doing it their whole life.

So that’s where say no and that’s where i think we always use the saying it just starts with with doing it starts with practice i mean it’s just like a sport I’m a big sport guy i mean some of the stuff you can see behind me I’m a big Sports guy and it’s just like practicing when you were in high school when you were playing little League when you were playing football at some point it’s playing in practicing you gonna be able to go.

Without practice and that thing story that’s the thing with Recording video that’s the same thing with being on a podcast it takes practice the first time you click record it’s going to be ugly its going through rough but you can say you did it you can check it off your West and so really just starts with being able to say let’s click record.

Lets get to the you do it the more you practice thell get so Circle back to the original question i would say no they don’t tell their story enough homes service business owners that doesn’t mean they can’t doesn’t mean they shouldn’t i always encourage people to do that as well hopefully that around way to answer your question hopefully they answered your question i was gonna say do you have anything else to elaborate on that no does answer it.

To mi always probably use example de you you know there’s a past to Mastery and 11 somebodys master something they forget do some of the other items that are important meaning like you’re sixteen years old you get into a car to drive down the road you’re checking the mirrors you’re back up nervous for the key in right when you master something you can pop into any car.

En so forget how Works so for the people who we wanna talk to um, i would urge them to tell stories about how they help clients more i watch the guy Tik ta i don im obsess with them but like actually there’s much. And what he does es he just picks me a random. He has a bad one. He does it for free and also sit I’ll will watch the entire video too so two minutes story i help people i no es veces, es blown up right.

Um, why can’t that cant a say i see this old Lady is rough we’re gonna patch it for free and we’re gonna tell that story and this is why we do this it’s not yeah we need to make a living this is. We have a Compassion side to us too people will be attached a story like that a lot quicker than them setting a saltbox saying we do me roofing we do i mean.

I mean story so exactly there’s one thing of just going in front of people and say. Hey do business with us. Hey do business with us it’s another thing to tell a story and get people to relate just like youre saying with the with the lawnmower it’s funny i come across that those people all the time too so i know exactly what you’re talking about eh?

Landor is and power was no. Those are likes? No, no, no.

To tell la story i don’t want over say i say most good empis on good home service business owners say one of the things they do what they do and why they wake up when their goes off in the morning it because they want to. Serve they want to be able to provide a service for homeowners por business owners that are in need they wanna be able to take care of people and so exactly you were saying Jeremy being able to why why not 11 in a while do a service for free through someone who is in need being able to just do it for free Pat hole clean up someone’s yard.

Little amount of effort because you’re an Expert what you do you can do and provide for helping los people en need being able to have that record and create a story out just tell wonders es that their becauses why do what they do. I think theres a personally there’s a fear i think of saying like you know they do these good deals to get the credit for it ums okay to take credit for good deeds right at the same time if you help somebody i think that means more than the credit you take and it’s okay de tell la storys actually really important to tell that story because if you do that service for somebody.

Youre gonna start getting trickling Conversations happening like hey my grandma has a leaky pipe right she cant afford it would you mind doing a story on her gonna start promoting yourself i think thats away for free small Jobs or something like that i think it be a opportunity Conversation so no i agree i think a thinline.

They might walk there one telling story of like if they’re doing it for for credit to Pat themselves on their own back to get some good pr don’t really mean pero i think its when people do that you can you can tell their heart behind the camera you can tell if they’re just doing it for for Street CRA just to get to Pat themselves on the back and you can you can usually tell through the camera if their heart is in the right place too so as long as your.

Building a story en doing that in a way and you make sure you kind of check yourself while you’re doing it that your heart is in the right place that you wanna serve people well i think that will show don’t think you to worry i mean no what you do there will always be people pushback en hate what you do buts you push those aside and you do that for the people for the people that enjoy what you do.

Theres a de times where id help somebody marketing or so like that you know in the past and they wanna hug me when we parted ways and ah time Twenty Twenty actually told those stories more right because you know when they hug you like you actually made a huge impact on the world so hopefully forward take my my hindsight and make it.

Exact. There’s a reason why the biggest companies that you see running TV ads posting things on the internet and all that stuff is testimonial based this person pues excited o very satisfied with the work that they had done with their. Services testimonials are mini stories en testimonial theres thing for me id be work only so far that you provide the service how your story for you there’s a credibility behind that as well so will always be people that encourage business orders as much can to get as many tests as can.

Videos es wow. I importance of video video testimonials ah, they are extremely important

i mean it takes all you need to do es do video i mean at. Hey im here set homeowner and today we fix your sprinkler can you tell me how this is gonna impact your future long care. No, no, no. Exact. I’m just excited Jeremy I’m excited to be able to and i keep i keep relating or keep saying this term but it’s a community we want this podcast to be a community um we want this podcast to offer a platform as i said for people to come out and tell those stories like we’ve been talking about our podcast so i kinda wanna use this as called action if you see this you old.

Home service business o you have credibility you involved in the home service industry we’d love to have you on we’d love to have you join our podcast come on here share your story we’ll talk about it just like Jeremy and i are having it’s gonna be a discussion. You don’t have to worry about this being a Sixty minute or Twenty Twenty interview Barbara Walters interview style we just wanna have a discussion we wanna talk about your hard work how you’ve got to where you are where you’re at today and to give you an Avenue to share those stories so I’m excited I’m excited Jeremy i d.

Know about you I’m really excited i am too we the terminology DM oring shop talk. I i i love it my brother enorme Mechanic and they would fix cars all day and then they would sit in the lobby and they’d drink beers and talk cars more but like you know its passion and we wanna be able to have those Conversations with with people in the future i wanna shop with you like how was your business doing.

Can walk away learning something even better

no just being able to create that natural natural vulnerability people can come out here and share their stories so 11 11 someone comes out here and shares their story i guarantee there will be other people out there that hear it that will be able to relate. And take something away maybe you wanted to lesson through something that you’ve done in your Plumbing Plumbing world maybe you had a job go wrong and they kinda had a funny outcome but that funny story you might have might be able to help another plumber across the country be able to learn from what you did so they don’t make the same mistake as well i think thinks creating we wanna create a.

Is so good so as i said we wanna offer this platform and invite as many home service business owners as we can on here then the episodes that we. We don’t have anybody on Jeremy and i will just take the time to discuss marketing tips marketing tricks that you Guys can use and take to your business to help continue to grow and help get your phone ringing on a regular basis que obviously at the end of the day that’s why youre doing what you’re doing because busy to able to provide for your family so we wanna help you as much as you can so you have any parting words Jeremy.

Ah no. I think he covered fantastic man we’re super excited as i said as for now we’ll be we’ll keep doing this podcast releasing it every Friday so we’re excited to be start this podcast we will see you next week.

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