We all know the classic directors’ phrase – Lights. Camera. Action! What you may not know, however, is how closely that phrase applies to landing page design.
Marketing efforts spearheaded by landing pages are integral to lead generation and search engine optimization. If the landing page design merits further investigation by the viewer, a simple form alone can create a wealth of new business opportunities.
Here’s how a few simple words from the film industry can make your landing page rise to stardom.
The most important part of landing page design is, of course, how it looks. How will your page shine or illuminate your brand logo, call to action or form are all questions that need to be answered in only a few seconds?
Is there a variation to your primary website’s appearance? If so, it may not need to be immediately apparent. Take Valorous Circle’s landing page for the Holland, Michigan region. It’s a full-width design featuring photos of Holland and the Lakeshore, vital information and a form. Simply put, the designers at Valorous know how it looks, why it looks that way and where they want you to go. All within the first few seconds your eyes ‘land’ on the page.
Think of the readers’ eyes as a video camera, tracking each word and line of color on your landing page. As a landing page designer, your job is to make the page look aesthetically pleasing and to direct the reader as quickly as possible to your predetermined destination. But just like in bad movies, you don’t want their ocular camera to stay on an unimportant shot for too long.
You don’t have time for a lengthy summary of your site or abstract images that don’t relate to your services. That is to say, the information on your landing page should be the same or nearly identical to your primary website’s introduction or about page. If your viewers are responsive enough to your landing page, odds are they’ll ‘record’ that summary of information to be reviewed at a later date.
Or rather, Call to Action. Every page of every site and the endings of e-mails and blog posts end with calls to action. It’s that final cue for the viewer to get into gear and start the dialogue.
Discover how you can get the most from a new landing page by letting Valorous Circle sit in the director’s chair for your company’s website needs. Schedule an appointment today!