Website Protection From Hackers, Phishing Attacks & More

Website Protection & Security

A lot of times clients ask us, “Why do I need to be worried about security? I’m going to host a national company, and they’re going to take of everything for me. It’s not a big deal as nobody hacks my site. I’m not worried about it.” Well, today we want to talk to you about why you need to be concerned about website security and how it impacts you as a business.


First and foremost, the chances of somebody logging in and defacing your site nowadays are relatively limited. That’s not what most hackers are looking to do. Instead, what they want to do is break into your site, and they want to put up what’s called a phishing attack.

They want to make that phishing attack so they can send out thousands of emails and say “Hi, we’re from Paypal and your account there is a problem with your account. Please click this link and validate your information.”

Instead of going to Paypal though, they direct them to a sub-directory on your website. It looks just like Paypal. You don’t know what’s going on, but in the process what happens is Google finds out, and they blacklist your domain.

That’s why it impacts you and your website because when Google blocks your domain for that phishing attack, that admittedly you had nothing to do with, your site can’t be found by anyone for any reason whatsoever.

The question is how do you deal with the security?

Well, it’s pretty simple. We have some simple best practices we can take to make sure that we keep people out of your website and off of your web server, and we ensure website protection and that Google is not going to blacklist it for any reason like a phishing attack that you had no control over.

If you’ve got more questions about website protection and how it impacts you, give us a call. We’d love to chat with you.

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